Easilocks on Teen Vogue


In Coverage, Easilocks Posted

Easilocks Damage-Free Hair Extensions that Lottie Tomlinson Loves


If you weren’t #Blessed with long, luscious, shampoo-commercial-like locks, then chances are you’ve turned to one or two techniques to get the hair of your dreams: supplements or extensions. Both options have their share of pros and cons, but if the latter is your general go-to method, then you’re likely aware of their drawbacks. Extensions can seem like the ideal move — especially in terms of instant gratification — but the damage they can do to your hair is a definitive defect that ultimately makes many shy away from the seemingly foolproof beauty treatment.

That being said, what if we told you there was a way to obtain the aforementioned hair of your dreams, sans the dreaded backlash? Enter: Easilocks, a completely damage-free extension system developed by industry vet, Shane O’Sullivan. The breakthrough process uses no heat, no glue, no braiding, and no sewing — all of which can cause unwanted stress on your strands. Naturally we wanted to know more, so we tapped the lovely miss Lottie Tominlinson — teen makeup artist and Easilocks-lover — to get the lowdown. Ahead, she reveals how she first got into the brand, as well as why she prefers Easilocks over other extensions. Keep on reading for the deets.

Read more: http://www.teenvogue.com/story/easilocks-damage-free-hair-extensions-lottie-tomlinson


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